Sterling silver MYSTIC TOPAZ ring – size 8

Throughout history, mystic topaz has been associated with healing and good luck. As well as bringing good fortune.

Topaz / Mystic Topaz is said to soothe, heal, re-motivate, and bring the wearer strength, loyalty, beauty, protection, healing, weight loss, joy, generosity, abundance, wisdom, enlightenment.


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Mystic topaz is actually white in color (or colorless) – on the inside, at least. Its outward appearance, however, is one of spectacular hues, forming a sparkling rainbow. Mystic Topaz is genuine topaz that has gone through a ‘treatment’ to encourage the stunning colour arrangement.

Therefor Mystic Topaz has the same healing properties as natural topaz.

Topaz can be found in many regions, including Brazil, North America, Germany, Afghanistan, Australia, Japan, Zimbabwe and Russia – truly all over the globe.

* size 8
** crystals are gifts from Gaia and each crystal will have its own natural characteristics, no two crystal are the same. Some crystals may have unique markings that make them as individual as you are. We do not consider these unique traits as flaws.


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