Que Sera – Point

“What will be will be” – trust what will be in the future.

Que Sera Crystals have a quite good energy to lift you if you are depressed and to calm you when you are angry or stressed. This energy can be compared to recharging your batteries.

Good for anxiety and nervousness, and calming your nerves.

It has a strong action to stimulate your clairaudient abilities.

This crystal also aids protection from electromagnetic energy given off by computers, so it is an excellent stone to grid rooms where you are using electronic equipment.


2 in stock


Que Sera crystals are stones with an amazing and completely different and unusual vibration.

This stone is found only in Brazil and is a mixture of different types of stone, including Quartz, Calcite, Kaolinite, Iron oxides, Magnetite, Clinozoisite and Leucozene.

Size – approx 9cm x 3.5-4 cm

* Each stone varies in colour, size, weight and are picked for you intuitively.

** Please also note these are natural crystals and stones from the earth, so they won’t always be perfect.
– All natural crystals may contain fractures and flaws.
– Crystals are gifts from Gaia and each crystal will have its own natural characteristics, no two crystal are the same. Some crystals may have unique markings that make them as individual as you are. We do not consider these unique traits as flaws


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