Stirling Silver – PURPLE MOHAVE TURQUOISE – Pendant with chain

Mohave/Mojave Turquoise

Said to alleviate mental illness while shooing away emotional distress. Not only do they help anger out of your mind but also believed to heal your past traumas.

Spiritually, it helps the wearer feel and sense the beauty that prevails in the heavenly powers. Mohave gemstone encompasses positivity. Thus, the wearer takes a positive outlook on life.

Mohave Turquoise aligns with the Throat Chakra. Not only does it improve your communication skills but also empowers you to speak the truth.


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Named form the Arizonan County from which it hails, Purple Mohave Turquoise beautifully showcases bright crimsons, blues, pinks, purples and violets with striking golden metallic veins of bronze.

Mohave (Mojave)

Mojave Turquoise is one of the world’s oldest gemstones.
Mojave Turquoise is the designated birthstone for December.
Ancient Egyptian rulers cherished this vivid crystal.
Tibetans believe that Mojave Turquoise is a talisman for good luck. It is one of the most pricey gemstones in Tibet.
This gemstone is considered sacred by Native Americans.
Mojave Turquoise is said to save the wearer from unnatural death.
The US is the sole producer of Mojave Turquoise.
Old Europeans credit Mojave Turquoise with helping them achieve a higher state of consciousness.
According to Hindu mystics, seeing a Mojave Turquoise after viewing the new moon assured extraordinary fortune.
A Mojave Turquoise ring symbolizes “Do not forget me” in European culture.

Wholesome, communication, spiritual expansion

Chakra: Throat

Element: Storm

Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces

Birthstone: June, July, December

* 400 x 300 mm in size

** crystals are gifts from Gaia and each crystal will have its own natural characteristics, no two crystal are the same. Some crystals may have unique markings that make them as individual as you are. We do not consider these unique traits as flaws.


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