Cosmic C**t Tarot

Full of alien probes, ray guns, test tubes and UFOs, this deck follows the traditional 78-card structure, with some small, mischievous changes. The suits have been swapped out to include ray guns, specimens, disks and probes.

In case it’s not abundantly obvious, this deck is not for the faint of heart. If you clutch your pearls at the sight of aliens wielding phallic probes, this may not be the deck for you. However, if you possess a cosmic c*nt (one capable of abducting farmers from their land) and love all things ray gun and UFO, this deck will help you embrace your power and delve into your own psyche.


Available on backorder


By: Samantha Rook

Published: Apr/22 (AU/NZ)

Samantha Rook is an artist, designer, tarot deck creator and owner of Marble Moon Studio. With a Master’s degree from Drexel University, Philadelphia, Sam explores her artwork through a three dimensional lens. She has been a tarot reader for the past 10 years and is passionate about exploring the human experience through the cards and creating card decks that are accessible to readers of all backgrounds.


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