Azurite Malachite – Tumbled (each)

Azurite Malachite can help you to manifest your desires and to bring about change in your life.

Malachite’s striking green color will encourage you to take action and allow change to happen – Azurite, known as a stone of heaven, will give insight into all areas of your life.

This stone will bring prosperity to business and give you support in turning things around when your finances are not doing well as well as being very calming and soothing to your emotions.

We feel that these are a bit special.


10 in stock


Azurite is a blue mineral that is often used as a pigment. Malachite is a green mineral that has a distinctive banded appearance.

Azurite is also known as a stone of heaven. It will give insight into all areas of your life, and it will stimulate your creativity.

Properties may encourage –

Enhancing spiritual communication
Promoting change and growth
Helping to release negative emotions
Facilitating inner peace

Each stone varies in colour, size, weight and are picked for you intuitively

2.5 cm x 5 cm in size

*Please also note these are natural crystals and stones from the earth, so they won’t always be perfect. All natural crystals may contain fractures and flaws.

** Azurite Malachite, just like its individual stones, is quite toxic in its raw condition. Proper care must be made when handling, cutting, grinding, or polishing it. A face mask must be worn, and you should be careful not to inhale the dust. Also, be careful not to immerse it in water or lick it when performing crystal healing.


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