Labradorite – Tumbled (each)

‘bringer of light‘

Considered a tremendously spiritual stone, Labradorite is said to be helpful for people who tend to overwork and aids in gently regaining energy.

A powerful protector.

Labradorite can channel healing powers, store it and then redirect these powers into specific areas of the body as needed.

The iridescence of the stone can hide a huge amount of power underneath and its said that those who know the stone will never underestimate the power of it.

Labradorite regulates metabolism, balances hormones and relieves menstrual tension.

Labradorite is said to stimulate the throat chakra.


8 in stock


Labradorite stones have a steely, silvery blue shimmer which makes it highly prized as a healing stone.

Labradorite is a mineral of feldspar. The stone is also referred to as the ‘Firestone’ or the ‘fire rock.

Each stone varies in colour, size, weight and are picked for you intuitively
2 – 3cm in size – perhaps slightly larger
13 – 21g in weight

*Please also note these are natural crystals and stones from the earth, so they won’t always be perfect. All natural crystals may contain fractures and flaws.


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