Amazonite Point – each

‘we are in control of our own destiny’

Amazonite is a stone of peace, truth, harmony, and communication.

Said to gently soothe the nerves, it radiates blue rays full of rejuvenating vibrations – energies that can be felt to the touch.

Amazonite empowers and strengthens any intention that may be set in its presence, speak loud your desire while firmly holding a piece; then trust.

* place a piece on your throat to fully unlock your chakra.

Use as a powerful talisman of healing and prosperity.

Balances the masculine and feminine energies. Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view. It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear.

As a metaphysical healer, Amazonite soothes the chakras and aligns the physical body to the etheric.

* protects against electromagnetic pollution and absorbs microwaves.


1 in stock


Approx – 50 – 70 grams

Amazonite is a Barrier Filter crystal that blocks geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protects against electromagnetic pollution. Place it near computers and other electronics, or tape it to your cell phone.

2.5 – 3 cm x 6-9 cm in size – intuitively selected for you.

As a metaphysical healer, Amazonite soothes the chakras and aligns the physical body to the etheric. It is particularly rejuvenating to the Heart and Throat Chakras, enhancing loving communication on all levels. It balances one’s masculine/feminine energies as well as many aspects of the personality.

Its energy is as powerful as the river for which it is named and as bold as the legendary women warriors with whom it is connected. Yet, it tempers aggression, tames the irrational, and stills the disquiet. It provides harmony and balance.
– crystal vault

*We will intuitively select your crystals, by purchasing through us you agree to allowing us to send the one we feel is right for you. Your crystal will be unique and individual – this means it may have tiny cracks, crevices, fractures, rainbows, patterns or varying shades of colour. Crystals are gifts from Gaia and as unique and individual as you! So with this known – like us, crystals are not perfect- we wont exchange on such reasons. If this crystal has come to you then trust it! Embrace it! Feel is energy!

Additional information

Weight 65 g
Dimensions 800 mm


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