
Snowflake Obsidian Point

Snowflake Obsidian will help purify all negativity that exists inside of you. It will dissolve blockages and tension, and clear you of toxicities.

Snowflake Obsidian can also be used for protection, grounding, and wisdom.

It is said to be a stone of clarity, helping one to see the truth and find inner peace.

* 6cm long

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.00.

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A snowflake represents uniqueness and individuality. Snow, from a distance, appears to be a large white blanket. But on closer observation, you will see each flake has its own divine beauty.

Just like a snowflake, you are also one of a kind.

Our souls are like snowflakes, all different and beautiful in our own way. Something extraordinary about a snowflake is the way it descends from the sky.

Snowflake Obsidian comes from the raw energy of the Earth. It’s the pure remains of lava that explodes and cools from a volcano.

Lava is considered to be a stone of rebirth, shedding away layers of emotional attachment.


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